Biblical Studies

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth | Gordon Fee

According to Plan | Graeme Goldsworthy

Introduction to the Old Testament | Longman and Dillard

Introduction to the New Testament | Carson and Moo

Exegetical Fallacies | D.A. Carson

Dispensationalism Today | Charles Ryrie


Christian Beliefs | Elliot and Wayne Grudem

Christian Theology | Millard Erickson

Bible Doctrine | Wayne Grudem

A Theology for the Church | ed, Daniel Akin

Systematic Theology | Wayne Grudem

Systematic Theology | Lewis Sperry Chafer

Reflections of Disenchanted Calvinist | Ronnie W. Rogers

Basic Theology | Charles C. Ryrie
Christian Theology | Adam Harwood

Church History

Turning Points | Mark Noll

How Should We Then Live | Francis Schaeffer

Church History in Plain Language | Bruce Shelley

Eerdman's Handbook to the History of the Christian Church

A History of Christianity | Kenneth Scott Latourette


I'm Glad You Asked | Ken Boa and Larry Moody

Apologetics to the Glory of God | John Frame

Mere Christianity | C.S. Lewis

Unshakable Foundations | Norm Geisler and Peter Boccino

Encyclopedia of Apologetics | Norm Geisler

Tactics | Greg Koukl


The Consequence of Ideas | R.C. Sproul

Life's Ultimate Questions | Ron Nash

Scaling the Secular City | J.P. Moreland

Introduction to Philosophy | Norman Geisler and Paul Feinberg

Foundations of a Christian Worldview | J.P. Moreland and William L. Craig


The Universe Next Door | James Sire

Thinking Biblically | John MacArthur

Worldviews in Conflict | Ron Nash

Revolutions in Worldview | Andrew Hoffecker

The Death of Man as Man | Ronnie W. Rogers

Evangelism and Missions

The Gospel and Personal Evangelism | Mark Dever

The Art of Personal Evangelism | Will McRaney Jr

Bringing Your Faith to Work | Norm Geisler and Randy Douglas

From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya | Ruth Tucker

Let the Nations Be Glad | John Piper

Operation World | Patrick Johnstone

Family / Relationships

Sacred Marriage | Gary Thomas

Shepherding a Child's Heart | Ted Tripp

Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood | Wayne Grudem

What the Bible Says About Parenting | John MacArthur

God, Marriage and Family | Andreas Kostenberger

Love and Respect | Emerson Eggerichs

When Sinners say "I Do" | Dave Harvey

Baptist Identity

The Baptist Way | Stan Norman

Restoring Integrity in Baptist Churches | ed. Duessing, White, Yarnell

The Baptist Reformation | Jerry Sutton

Theologians of the Baptist Tradition | ed. Dockery and George

The Church

Nine Marks of a Healthy Church | Mark Dever

Spiritual Disciplines within the Church | Donald Whitney

The Master's Plan for the Church | John MacArthur

Biblical Eldership | Alexander Strauch

Undermining the Gospel | Ronnie W. Rogers

The Equipping Church | Ronnie W. Rogers

Devotional / Spiritual Life

Don't Waste Your Life | John Piper

Humility | C.J. Mahaney

Knowing God | J.I. Packer

Pursuit of God | A.W. Tozier

Ten Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health | Don Whitney

Valley of Vision, a collection of Puritan Prayers

Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian Life | Don Whitney

Old Testament /

New Testament Studies

Introduction to Old Testament Theology | John Sailhamer

The Message of the Old Testament | Mark Dever

Introduction to New Testament Theology | Henry Theissen

Making Sense of the New Testament | Craig Blomberg

New Testament Theology | Tom Schreiner

Paul and His Letters | John Polhill

Dictionary of the Bible | Walter Elwell


A Basic Guide to Interpreting the Bible | Robert Stein

Living by the Book | Howard Hendricks

Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics | Graeme Goldsworthy

Rightly Divided, Readings in Hermeneutics | ed. Roy Zuck

Hermeneutics, Authority and Canon | D.A. Carson and John Woodbridge

Systematic Theology

Basic Theology | Charles Ryrie

Institutes of the Christian Religion | John Calvin

Lectures in Systematic Theology | Henry Thiessen

Systematic Theology (4 volume set) | Norm Geisler

Christian Theology | Millard Erickson

Chafer Systematic Theology (8 volume set) | Lewis Sperry Chafer

Christian Theology | Adam Harwood

Doctrine of the Bible

Christianity and Liberalism | J. Gresham Machen

Doctrine of the Bible | David Dockery

General Introduction to the Bible | Norm Geisler

God, Revelation and Authority (6 volume set) | Carl Henry

Inerrancy | Norm Geisler

Knowing Scripture | R.C. Sproul

The Inspiration of Authority of the Bible | B.B. Warfield

Why I Believe the Bible | John MacArthur

Doctrine of God

The Knowledge of the Holy | A.W. Tozer

No One Like Him | John Feinberg

Our Awesome God | John MacArthur

The Doctrine of God | John Frame

The Existence and Attributes of God | Stephen Charnock

The Forgotten Trinity | James White

Understanding the Trinity | Alister McGrath

Doctrine of Man and Sin

Overcoming Sin and Temptation | John Owen

The Bondage of the Will | Martin Luther

The Christian View of Man | J. Gresham Machen

The Freedom and Power of Forgiveness | John MacArthur


On the Incarnation | Athanasius

The Battle for the Resurrection | Norman Geisler

The Cross of Christ | John Stott

The Glory of Christ | John Owen

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ | N.T. Wright

The Virgin Birth of Christ | J. Gresham Machen

Doctrine of Salvation

How Can I Be Sure I'm a Christian? | Don Whitney

Justification and the New Perspective on Paul | Guy Walters

Our Sufficiency in Christ | John MacArthur

The Cross-Centered Life | C.J. Mahaney

The Gospel According to Jesus | John MacArthur

The Great Exchange | Jerry Bridges

Reflections of a Disenchanted Calvinist | Ronnie W. Rogers

The Atonement | David L. Allen

The Extent of the Atonement | David Allen

Calvinism | David Allen & Steve Lemke

Does God Love All or Some | Ronnie W. Rogers

The Spiritual Condition of Infants | Adam Harwood

Doctrine of the Holy Spirit

Baptism, Filling, and Gifts of the Holy Spirit | W.A. Criswell

God's Indwelling Presence | James Hamilton

Showing the Spirit | D.A. Carson

Spirit Life | Jerry Vines

The Holy Spirit | Robert Gromacki


(Doctrine of the Church)

Ashamed of the Gospel | John MacArthur

Believers Baptism | Tom Schreiner and Shawn Wright

Elders and Congregational Life | Phil Newton

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire | Jim Cymbala

Membership Matters | Chuck Lawless

Polity | Mark Dever

Prophetic Untimliness | Os Guinness

Surprising Insights from the Unchurched | Thom Rainer

The Deliberate Church | Mark Dever

Dining with the Devil | Os Guinness

Rediscovering Pastoral Ministry | John MacArthur

The Equipping Church | Ronnie W. Rogers


The Coming Prince | Sir Robert Anderson

The Second Coming | John MacArthur

Things to Come | Dwight Pentecost

Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond | ed. Gundry and Bock

Church History

Baker History of the Church (5 volumes) | Woodbridge and Wright

Christianity's Dangerous Idea | Alister McGrath

Creeds of Christendom (3 volumes) | Philip Schaff

Getting to Know the Church Fathers | Brian Litfin

Heresies | Harold Brown

Surprising Word of God | Jonathan Edwards

The History of the Christian Church (8 volumes) | Philip Schaff

The Light and the Glory | Peter Marshall

The 100 Most Important Events in Christian History | Curtis, Lang and Peterson

The rise of Evangelicalism | Mark Noll

Two Kingdoms | Clouse, Pierard and Yamauchi

Eerdman's Handbook to the History of Christianity | ed. Tim Dowley

Baptist Distinctives

Baptist Faith and Message 2000 | Blount and Wooddell

Baptists and the Bible | Bush and Nettles

The Anabaptist Story | William Estep

The Baptists (3 volumes) | Tom Nettles

Why I'm a Baptist | Nettles and Moore

Ministry and Preaching

Biblical Preaching | Haddon Robinson

Brothers We Are Not Professionals | John Piper

Guidebook for Pastors | W.A. Criswell

Expository Preaching | John MacArthur

Lectures to My Students | Charles Spurgeon

Pastoral Ministry | John MacArthur

Preaching and Preachers | Martin Lloyd-Jones

The Reformed Pastor | Richard Baxter

A Parliamentary Guide for Church Leaders | C. Barry McCarty

Leading and Managing Your Church | George and Logan


Introduction to Biblical Counseling | John MacArthur

Christian Worker's Handbook | Billy Graham

Boundaries | Cloud and Townsend

Competent to Counsel | Jay Adams

Counseling: How to Counsel Biblically | John MacArthur

Fearing Death | Billy Graham

Heaven | Criswell and Patterson

Psychology as Religion | Paul Vitz

Theology of Christian Counseling | Jay Adams

The Psychological Anthropology of Wayne Edward Oates | Sam Stevens

The Sufficiency of the Bible in Counseling | Paige Patterson

Evangelism / Missions

An Enquiry | William Carey

Exploring Evangelism | Mendell Taylor

Salvation to the Ends of the Earth | Andreas Kostenberger

The Soul Winner | Charles Spurgeon


The Ultimate Priority | John MacArthur

Worship by the Book | D.A. Carson

Worship Matters | Bob Kauflin


Christian Apologetics | Norm Geisler

New Evidence That Demands a Verdict | Josh McDowell

To Everyone an Answer | Beckwith, Craig and Moreland

Reasons for Faith | Scott Oliphint

Reasonable Faith |William Lane Craig

What if Jesus Had Never Been Born? | D.James Kennedy

What if the Bible Had Never Been Written? | D. James Kennedy

When Critics Ask | Norm Geisler

When Skeptics Ask | Norm Geisler

Christian Apologetics | Norm Geisler

What's So Great about Christianity | Dinesh D'Souza


A Christian Manifesto | Francis Schaeffer

Above All Earthly Powers | David Wells

All God's Children and Blue Suede Shoes | Kenneth Myers

Amusing Ourselves to Death | Neil Postman

Black and Right | Faryna, Stetson and Conti

Cosmic Justice | Thomas Sowell

Christ and Culture Revisited | D.A. Carson

Fit Bodies Fat Minds | Os Guinness

God in the Wasteland | David Wells

Losing our Virtue | David Wells

No Place for Truth | David Wells

Slouching Towards Gomorrah | Robert Bork

The Courage to be Protestant | David Wells

The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind | Mark Noll

Total Truth | Nancy Pearcey

How Now Shall We Live | Colson and Pearcey

The Death of Man as Man | Ronnie W. Rogers

Culture Shift | R.Albert Mohler Jr.


Art and the Bible | Francis Schaeffer

Modern Art and the Death of a Culture | H.R. Rookmaaker

State of the Arts | Gene Veith

Politics / Government

Beyond Good Intentions | Doug Bandow

Citizen Christians | Land and Moore

Coercing Virtue | Robert Bork

Democracy by Decree | Sandler and Schoenbrod

Evangelicals in the Public Square | J. Budziszewski

God and Government | Chuck Colson

Has Democracy Had Its Day? | Carl Henry

Scalia Dissents | Kevin Ring

The Clash of Civilizations | Samuel Huntington

The Culture of Disbelief | Stephen Carter

The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism | Carl Henry

Why Religion Still Matters | Huston Smith

Indivisible | Robison and Richards


How to Read a Book | Mortimer Adler

How to Read Slowly | James Sire

Reading Between the Lines | Gene Veith


The Closing of the American Mind | Allan Bloom

Left Back | Diane Ravitch

Psychology as Religion | Paul Vitz

Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning | Doug Wilson

The Case for Classical Christian Education | DougWilson

The Language Police | Diane Ravitch

Tyranny Through Public Education | William Cox

Economics / Finances

Basic Economics | Thomas Sowell

Money, Possessions and Eternity | Randy Alcorn

The Complete Financial Guide for Young Couples | Larry Burkett

The Total Money Makeover | Dave Ramsey

The Treasure Principle | Randy Alcorn

Money, Greed and God | Jay Richards


Christian Ethics | Norm Geisler

Evangelical Ethics | John Jefferson Davis

How to be a Christian in a Brave New World | Cameron and Tada

The Doctrine of the Christian Life | John Frame


Abortion and the Sanctity of Human Life | Francis Beckwith

Politically Correct Death | Francis Beckwith

Po-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments | RandyAlcorn

The Hand of God | Bernard Nathanson

Why Pro-Life? | Randy Alcorn


The Homosexual Agenda | Sears and Osten

The Truth About Same Sex Marriage | Erwin Lutzer

Alcohol and Drinking

The Useful Lie | William L. Playfair

To Drink or Not to Drink? | Norman Geisler

Shaken Not Stirred | Dan Fisher

The Biblical Approach to Alcohol | Reynolds and Butler

The Bible and Its Wines | Charles Wesley Ewing


Darwin on Trial | Phillip Johnson

Dawkins' GOD | Alister McGrath

Defeating Darwinism | Phillip Johnson

In Six Days | John Ashton

Law, Darwinism and Public Education | Francis Beckwith

Limitations of Scientific Truth | Nigel Brush

Redeeming Science | Vern Poythress

Refuting Compromise | Jonathan Sarfati

The Battle for the Beginning | John MacArthur

The Dawkins Delusion | Alister McGrath

The Design Revolution | William Dembski

The Devil's Delusion | David Berlinski

The Reenchantment of Nature | Alister McGrath

The Soul of Science | Nancy Pearcey

The Spiritual Brain | Beauregard and O'Leary

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions | Thomas Kuhn


Environmental Stewardship | Acton Institute

Other Religions / Cults

Kingdom of the Cults | Walter Martin

Mormonism Unmasked | Phil Roberts

Roman Catholics and Evangelicals | Norm Geisler

The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge | Ankerberg and Weldon

Unmasking the New Age | Doug Groothuis

What You Need to Know About Islam and Muslims |  George W. Braswell

Answering Islam | Norman Geisler


Open Theism

Beyond the Bounds | John Piper

God's Lesser Glory | Bruce Ware

No Other God | John Frame

Pluralism / Relativism

The Gagging of God | D.A. Carson

Relativism | Beckwith and Koukl

Postmodernism /

Emerging Church

Becoming Conversant with the Emerging Church | D.A. Carson

Postmodern Times | Gene Veith

The Challenge of Postmodernism | David Dockery

Truth and the New Kind of Christian | R. ScottSmith

Why We're Not Emergent | DeYoung and Kluck

The Charismatic Movement

Charismatic Chaos | John MacArthur

Christianity in Crisis | Hank Hanegraaff

The Agony of Deceit | ed. Michael Horton

Tongues in Biblical Perspective | Charles Smith

Understanding Spiritual Gifts | Robert Thomas


Spiritual Life

A Hunger for God | John Piper

A Passion for Prayer | Tom Elliff

Desiring God | John Piper

Pursuit of Holiness|  Jerry Bridges

Respectable Sins | Jerry Bridges

Simplify Your Spiritual Life | Don Whitney

Spiritual Depression | Martin Lloyd-Jones

The Call | Os Guinness

The Complete Works of E.M. Bounds on Prayer | E.M. Bounds

The Godly Man's Picture | Thomas Watson

The Keys to Spiritual Growth | John MacArthur

The Purity Principle | Randy Alcorn

The Pursuit of God | A.W. Tozer

When God Doesn't Make Sense | James Dobson


Spiritual Leadership | J. Oswald Sanders

The Book on Leadership | John MacArthur


Basic Christianity | John Stott

Master Plan of Evangelism | Robert Coleman

Spiritual Discipleship | J. Oswald Sanders

The Cost of Discipleship | Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Training of the Twelve | A.B. Bruce


Disciplines of a Godly Man | R. KentHughes

Every Man's Battle | Steven Arterburn

Tender Warrior | Stu Webber


Evangelical Feminism | Wayne Grudem

Fearlessly Feminine | Jani Ortlund

Feminine Appeal | Carolyn Mahaney

Passion and Purity | Elisabeth Elliot

Marriage / Family / Parenting

Bringing Up Boys | James Dobson

Raising a Modern-Day Knight | Robert Lewis

Sacred Parenting | Gary Thomas

Sex, Romance and the Glory of God | C.J. Mahaney

The Act of Marriage | Tim LaHaye

The Marriage Builder| Larry Crabb

When Sinners Say 'I Do' | Dave Harvey

God on Sex: The Creator's Ideas About Love, Intimacy and Marriage | Daniel Akin

Christian Classics /


Abolition of Man | C.S. Lewis

City of God | Augustine

Confessions | Augustine

Great Books of the Christian Tradition | Terry Glaspey

Orthodoxy | G.K. Chesterton

Pensees | Blaise Pascal

Pilgrims Progress | John Bunyan

Screwtape Letters | C.S. Lewis

The Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Kostoevsky

The Chronicles of Narnia | C.S. Lewis

Till We Have Faces | C.S. Lewis

More Than Conquerors | ed. John Woodbridge

Work / Vocation

God at Work | Gene Veith

Family Vocation | Gene Veith

Business for the Glory of God | Wayne Grudem

Work Matters | Tom Nelson

Integrity at Work | Geisler and Douglass



Dietrich Bonhoeffer

David Brainerd

John Bunyan

John Calvin

William Carey

Amy Carmichael

Chuck Colson

Jonathan Edwards

Jim Elliot

Billy Graham

John "Praying Hyde"

Carl Henry

Adoniram Judson

John Knox

C.S. Lewis

David Livingston

Martin Luther

J. Gresham Machen

D.L. Moody

George Mueller

John Newton

John Paton

Francis Schaeffer

Charles Spurgeon

C.T. Studd

The Cambridge Seven

Hudson Taylor

William Tyndale

John Wesley

George Whitefield

William Wilberforce

John Wycliffe